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    Privacy Policy

    We know that your personal information and privacy is important, and by choosing to shop with us means you trust us to manage this correctly.
    You share this information so that you can shop quickly and efficiently online, so you need to know that this is kept private and secure.
    Our Privacy & Cookies Policy explains how we will use your personal information and also your data protection rights.
    This policy applies if you shop on our website and make a purchase of any product or use our services. This policy also applies if you make contact with us or we contact you about our services, by email, telephone, SMS, post or any third party websites or social media platforms.
    This policy was last updated on Jan 2020.

    We always recommend reading our Privacy & Cookies Policy in full. Below is a list of the sections covered by the policy.

    This section of the policy details what types of personal information we collect and who we are. The terms “we”, “us” or “our” used in this policy and throughout our website refer to Epoex’s Pet Products. We are the data controller, responsible for the processing of any information you give us.
    We collect information from you when you visit or browse our website, register for an account, make a purchase, subscribe to marketing and when you contact us.
    At times we also receive information from third parties to help us better understand our customers. This policy does not cover any third party websites, apps or services you use or access from our website. For example, if you interact with us on social media, your use is subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the relevant social media platform.

    When you shop with epoex.com you will submit personal information to us. We treat and handle all the information you submit to us as set out in the terms of this Privacy & Cookies Policy. It may be updated and amended on occasions, but it will always conform to UK and EU data protection legislation. Your privacy is respected at all times and we will always work hard to keep your data safe.

    We gather information in several ways:
    1. When you register with us, we ask for information such as your title, name, email address, delivery address, telephone number, and account login details (such as your username and password). We store this information to make your experience easier, so you do not need to re-enter your details each time you shop.
    2. If you place an order, we hold information on the timing and location of your delivery to help us effectively manage resources to fulfil your order and plan the best delivery route. We will also ask you for your debit or credit card details in order to process your payment. We never store your payment details, this is handled by third party checkout software Stripe and PayPal.
    3. We keep a record of electronic communications you receive from us. We also record interactions you have with our electronic communications. For example, whether an email has been opened and if you have clicked on any links within that email.
    4. We keep a record of your purchases with us (for example, what you bought and when) and how you browse and engage with our websites and apps. This helps us decide which products, services and promotions may be relevant for you. It also helps us to improve your experience, assist you more efficiently if you have any questions or concerns about your order, and promote certain products, services and offers.
    5. When you visit and use any of the epoex websites, or when you interact with our adverts and content on third-party websites and social media platforms (such as Google or Facebook), we use cookies, other similar technologies and third party services so that we can better understand your online experience. This helps us to improve our services and offer a personalised experience. We may do this by recording the way you use, navigate, browse and search our websites, our apps, use voice controlled services (such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri), or other websites and platforms. For more information on our use of these technologies, see the Cookies and similar technologies section below.

    This section will explain how we use your personal data to learn about and improve your online experience with us. We will only use information that is necessary to improve our products and understand your preferences and to improve our marketing of products and promotions to our customers who have given us consent to do so.

    If you have any questions about our Privacy & Cookies Policy, or you would like to make a complaint, you should make contact us.
    We will update this policy on occasions and we encourage you to check this regularly for any changes.

    You can contact us by sending an email to service@epoex.com if you have questions about the data collected and held, or you wish to exercise any of your rights as set out in this policy.

    If you are not satisfied in the way we have dealt with your concerns, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please go to https://service@epoex.com to find out more or write to:
    Information Commissioner’s Office
    Portsoken House 155-157, Minories, London, England, EC3N 1LJ
    Tel: +44 736 189 4963